Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh, Henry

So it may seem like Henry gets the short end of the stick with this blog. The truth of the matter is simply that he's a low-key guy. He sleeps. He eats. He plays. He cries occasionally. He does some cute things. Max, as you may have gathered, is full of drama all of the time and he literally DEMANDS attention. Poor Henry, the second child, more often than not just comes along for the ride.

I remember when I had just given birth to Henry, a pediatrician came to check him out. She told me that Max would be the tough one and that dealing with "baby stuff" the second time around was much less intimidating than with a first child. "Yeah right," I thought, "Babies are a huge pain. I remember. Max is no big deal." It turns out that the pediatrician was right and I was wrong (shocking, I know). I've never done the toddler thing before and I have discovered that two-year-olds are hilariously funny and immensely frustrating. More than that, even, they are just different--one day to the next and one minute to the next. Max is constantly changing and it is hard to keep up. Henry is changing too, of course, but in the predictable ways that young babies change--one developmental stage at a time. This is not to minimize how amazing Henry's growth has been. A few short weeks ago, he was little more than a lump. Now he can smile, roll over, play with toys, "talk" and so much more. His biggest recent "accomplishments" include rolling over in bed so that he can sleep on his belly ( so much for the "Back to Sleep" campaign) and smiling adoringly at his big brother. Henry LOVES Max. It is so sweet to watch. He may give me an occasional grin when I've done something noteworthy like give him the boob, but his face just lights up whenever he catches sight of Max. You can tell that he just can't wait to be able to get up and run around after him (and with those strong Gerber legs of his, it won't be long). I love both of these boys and I love watching as a relationship begins to grow between them.

Max gives Henry a hug and a kiss.


Anonymous said...

Oh Sue, Henry is so adorable! I don't know what it is, but something about his face or his expression is just very LaLone to me. And Henry shouldn't worry, as he'll always have his second born Auntie Nicolle to look out for him ;)

Rhona said...

This is so funny. I was about to write that the pix of Henry make him look more and more like Max to me; especially the 4 month old professional picture.
They both remain perfect in my mind-
2nd born Grandma Rhona

Stephanie Gerber Wilson said...

I agree with Nicolle. I think he looks a lot like adorable. I hope you're holding up ok this week.
Love to all--his first born Aunt Steph (ps I have all sorts of sympathy for Max right now :-))