Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Tale of Two Poops

Caution -- This story is not for those with weak stomachs. Non-parents who aren't used to calmly discussing bowel movements as normal dinner conversation should probably avoid this post.

So here's the deal....Last night I had both boys in the bath. I got Max out of the tub and was toweling him off on the mat while Henry continued to sit in his bath seat. Max started to act like he needed to poop and I was in a panic because I didn't have a diaper and I didn't want to leave Henry alone in the tub. So I quickly set Max on top of the toilet seat and told him that he could poop there. Miraculously, he did! I don't really think that this is a potty training breakthrough or anything, but he has been talking about it ever since and he was clearly quite impressed with himself. Meanwhile, while I am holding Max on the toilet seat, Henry decides to poop in his bath chair in the tub. What a mess!!!!! Max watched the whole scene and has been talking about that as well: "Max poop in toilet and Henry poop in bath." Moral of the story--you win some and you lose some.


Stephanie Gerber Wilson said...

A. What the hell were you doing blogging at 5:07 a.m.?

B. Sounds like a royal mess--but you must be very proud of Max!

C. Love reading the blog entries--even the poopy ones.

Stephanie Gerber Wilson said...

Follow up: it says I left this comment at 5:18 am, and I know its 8:18, so I hereby rescind my first comment about 5:07. Apologies.

Rhona said...

It is really 6:38 here and yes I am laughing. What an amazing way to start the day. It's almost as good as fart jokes.

Thanks for the early morning lift.

Anonymous said...

And now I'm laughing out loud here in the office! I love this story. What a poopy scene!

NuggetsMom said...

I'm laughing out loud too. Such a classic story!