Grandma Rhona arrived on Saturday night and she will be staying with us all this week. She has been a great help already watching the boys so that I can get things done. She and Max have built MANY a tower out of blocks and legos. She also managed to teach Max how to spell his name -- "M-A-X". Pretty cool!
Today Max got a much-needed haircut (compare first and last photos above). He actually didn't cry this time which is a first, and he was quite excited to receive a grape lollypop upon the succesful completion of the event. What a big boy he is becoming!
What a slick haircut, Max. And Henry, you have the biggest blue eyes and biggest bald head Auntie has ever seen!
Is that post-bath Max at the bottom? The combed-down hair is a pretty cute look for him. :)
Just to let everyone know I had the best week with Max and Henry and then went to Boston to spend time with Benjy. What more can a grandma ask for. The three cutest, smartest, happiest grandsons in creation.
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