Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why I Love Harris Teeter

Have you seen the shopping carts they have over there? Max was in heaven driving this thing! I couldn't have gotten more entertainment value out an expensive go-cart ride at Malibu Grand Prix! From a logistical perspective, however, we had some problems. As you may notice from the photo, there was not a lot of room for groceries. I forgot to bring the Baby Bjorn, so Henry had to ride in the cart itself. I stuffed produce all around Max in the driver's seat and I loaded a bunch of stuff under the cart as well. The check-out guy took pity on me when I was paying and brought out a second cart to load my groceries into. He walked us out to the car and loaded the groceries in. God bless that guy!

A completely unrelated but entertaining anecdote-- Today Max, Henry, and I took Fang to the vet for a check up. As you can probably guess, this is not an ideal outing for two small children. We had to wait for 20 minutes in the waiting room. Max was running all over the place, Fang was huddled miserably in his carrier and Henry was drooling and whining in the Baby Bjorn. Right before we were called in, a dog came out of an exam room wearing one of those Elizabethan collars. The dog was out of sorts and backed into Max because she couldn't see where she was going. This scared the living daylights out of Max who turned around, knocked over a table and started screaming hysterically. The poor dog was further traumatized by all of this and I don't think that Fang will every fully recover. Max calmed down once we went into the exam room saying sweet things like, "Poor Catty. It's ok, Catty. Don't be scared." As we were leaving the vet, however, we ran into the SAME dog and owner who were waiting outside. Max went hysterical again and demanded to hold my hand. Well, I didn't have a hand since I had the cat on one side and the baby in the other arm. I leaned over precariously to the side and Max contented himself with holding my elbow as we edged past the dog. Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun! But gosh, how on earth did you fit in any groceries?

Which does Max prefer - the car or the sugar cookies?