Saturday, May 30, 2009

Movie Milestone

My "little" Max hit another cultural milestone yesterday when he went to see his first movie in a theater. Scott took him to see the new Disney/Pixar flick, Up while I was hosting book club back here at the house (young Henry cooperated by going to bed early and staying asleep).

According to Scott, Max loved the movie. He sat ramrod straight at the end of his too-big chair and took the whole thing in. There was some period of loud talking halfway through, but it was a friendly audience in the giant Alameda theater, and I think Max settled back down fairly quickly. Upon his return home, Max was particularly excited to tell me that he got to eat M&Ms while watching the movie.

I can't believe that my baby is old enough to sit through a film in a movie theater! A new era has begun. The next thing you know, he'll be sneaking into violent, R-rated action flicks with his buddies and then asking to borrow the car so he can take his girlfriend to see the latest date movie. Sigh...


Rhona said...

Time is moving too quickly.

Hentino said...

How fun! And what a wonderful movie to start Max's theater experience!