Sunday, May 17, 2009

China Beach

Sometimes unexpected outings are the best. After nap time today, we realized that we didn't have a plan for the difficult hours between 3pm and bedtime. After much indecision and bickering (The park? Already went to one this morning. Ice cream? Not hungry. Walking on Park Street? Too hot), we just threw the boys in the car and decided to go for a drive. Using our new Fastrack pass, we zipped across the Bay Bridge and started meandering our way through San Francisco. The boys were happy in the back seat, and the city was sparkling under the unusually warm sun. We cruised by Scott's old office, and the small school where I taught one summer between terms in grad school. Eventually, we ended up at China Beach, a location I last visited over ten years ago when Scott and I were childless and fancy free. Well, we had two children in tow today, and while the experience wasn't exactly fancy free (How did Henry get up those stairs so quickly? What are we going to do now that Max is soaking wet and we don't have a change of clothes?) it was wonderful seeing the location through their eyes. Max and Henry both loved jumping the waves (hence the soaked shorts and t-shirt. After we stripped off the shirt, Max got really sandy and found himself a sharp stick. Does anyone else think that he looks like a boy out of Lord of the Flies?). Max and Dada built a castle out of sand and rocks, and Henry waved hello to everyone on the beach. As we were packing up to leave, we saw three dolphins leaping in the surf. It's hard to imagine a more perfect afternoon. Have I mentioned how much I love California?


Rhona said...

What a fantastic afternoon. Well done all! It seems like its fun to reacquaint with California.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Gosh, there have been too many beautiful beach posts recently, I'm so jealous!! What amazing places to get to take the boys ;)