Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chaos -- Gerber Style

Over the past twenty-four hours, the following events have transpired in the Gerber household:

1.) While I was changing Henry's diaper upstairs, Max smashed an avocado all over the kitchen for no apparent reason.

2.) Henry knocked over a table lamp in the living room and shattered a lightbulb.

3.) Max turned on the heat to 85 degrees and it took me several hours to figure out why it was so stinkin' hot in our house.

4.) One of the boys (my money is on Max) set the alarm clock in our bedroom so that Scott and I were awakened at midnight by Gregorian chants playing at ear-splitting volume.

Just another day in the life.


Rhona said...

Oh Sue, what a pair you have. I am picturing the midnight wake-up and can't help but smile. Sorry. I hope the next 24 hours turn out better.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Good lord!! Can't help but giggle about the Gregorian chants at midnight.