Friday, May 29, 2009


Max and Henry are becoming more and more in sync as the days go by. Whenever we go to the park now, they are united in a new and endlessly fascinating pursuit -- stick collection. The two of them will LITERALLY amuse themselves for an hour wandering the park, collecting sticks, exchanging sticks with each other, and locating new sticks. It's both entertaining to watch and somewhat perplexing. Maybe it's because I'm female and because I grew up with a sister, but I can't ever remember being so interested in a lowly piece of wood. Cabbage Patch Kids and stuffed animals? You bet your life! Dusty pieces of fallen tree? Not so much. Is this some early manifestation of the male fascination with weaponry? A genetic impulse toward hunting? Some sort of Freudian phallic extension? Who knows. In the end, I'm just happy that they're having a good time and enjoying being together. Clearly, someone is going to "lose an eye" at some point, but everything worth doing involves an element of danger, right?

Lest I despair that my two boys are missing out on the "softer side" of life, I can take comfort in another current interest they seem to share -- striking yoga poses. Below you can see the two boys in their favorite position -- Downward Dog. You can also see Max attempting to balance in Tree Pose. Pretty damn cute if you ask me...


Rhona said...

After a few tough days at work this made me smile. I almost think Max is ready for ballet class, don't you. He is ready with his tutu.

They get cuter by the moment. Thanks for the afternoon lift.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Oh my god, these are the funniest pictures I've ever seen!! Those boys do a mean downward dog ;)

Elizabeth said...

So funny because lately Charlotte has been asking me to show her different yoga positions. Downward dog and tree pose are our favorites too!