Since I last posted about the boys, the following things have occurred:
1.) Henry stabbed himself in the eye with a toy car and had to go to the eye doctor (he's fine).
2.) Max seems to have developed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (freaks out about water on his hands, has to get out of bed at least once to pee even if he JUST PEED in order to fall asleep, has to walk his lawnmower around the block in EXACTLY the same way each and every time and loses it if I suggest a different route, etc).
3.) Henry has determined that a baby can live on bananas, milk, and crackers alone.
4.) Max cried when Scott had to leave the house and go back to work one night. "Why do you have to go back to work, Daddy? Are you going to come home again?" (heartbreaking)
5.) Henry has created a game where you remove the throw pillows from the couch, position them on the floor, sit on them, kick your legs, stand up and reposition the cushions then repeat. Inexplicably, he and Max LOVE this game. I LOVE the fact that it keeps them out of my hair for 15 minutes.
6.) Max now wants to know whether or not any given animal is a predator and what that animal eats. All predators are then classified as "mean" animals even though I've tried to explain a hundred times that these animals aren't mean as such, they're just following through with their biological imperative to hunt.
7.) Henry now says "thank you" ("dank u") when you hand him something. What a polite boy!
8.) In a recent discussion about marriage, Max told me that he wanted to marry me. When I told him that this wouldn't be possible, he concluded that he would marry his friend Hayley instead.
9.) Out of the blue Henry has decided that he will feed himself with a spoon. Dear Lord, what a mess he makes with his oatmeal!
The list could go on and on. These boys are endlessly wonderful and surprising and entertaining! I've included a few photos below to show my loyal followers (Rhona and Nicolle), what we've been up to lately.

The boys ride their tricycles.

Bad to the Bone!

Boys and their Shades (Doesn't Henry look vaguely like Bono?)

Mother's Day Brunch on the Harbor in Alameda.

We're glad to have you here, Grandma Rhona!

Boys explore the native foliage.

So cute from the back!

Eating raisins at the picnic table.

Hanging out with Daddy in the back yard.