Thursday, April 9, 2009

Passover 2009

We had a lovely seder last night for the first night of Passover at Nana and Papa's house in Oakland. They were kind enough to use the "30-Minute Haggadah", and it's a good thing, too, because the boys were rather restless. My favorite moment was when Henry let out a truck-driver belch in the middle of the recitation of a prayer. Max asked to go to the bathroom not once, but twice during the reading, and both boys dropped so much food on the floor that I'm not sure if Nana's rug will ever recover (sorry about that, Lynn!). Even so, we had a great time, and it was a special treat that Aunt Nicolle and Uncle David were able to join us from London and Grandma Dodie was up from San Diego. Next year again in Oakland!

1 comment:

Rhona said...

I'm so glad that you had such a nice Passover. The pictures are wonderful. One day more. . .