Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Scaly

The Good:

1.) Henry is progressing rapidly with his walking. He now goes from place to place with both arms held proudly aloft and with both hands rotating from the wrist. He looks like some kind of Bollywood dance star. It's pretty hilarious and I will try to get some video footage.

2.) In his ongoing effort to be the cutest baby in the world, Henry also says and waves "Bye, Bye" and also says "Hello" while holding the phone to his ear. This comes out sounding strangely foreign, "Alo? Alo?" which is even more entertaining.

The Bad:

1.) I lost my cell phone in San Francisco so if I'm not returning your phonecalls, it's not that I'm trying to avoid you (well, most of you at least).

2.) Fang was stung by a bee yesterday. You may think that this is an odd affliction for an indoor cat, and you would be right. Fang, however, beat the odds by hunting down and capturing a bee that had somehow made its way into the living room. At this point, the terrified bee stung him on the tip of the tongue. I had to make an emergency trip to the vet to have the stinger removed from his tongue. Poor kitty!

The Scaly:

1.) Poor Max has been diagnosed with eczema. He's had a scaly rash that has been getting worse and worse for the past month and now we know the cause. Hopefully the steroid cream will get things under control. In the meantime, I am grateful that the rash doesn't seem to itch. Usually eczema is miserably itchy, but Max doesn't seem bothered.

That's it for now. Never a dull moment around here...


Rhona said...

It has only been a week since I was there and so much has happened. My best to Fang and Max. Poor guys. Can't wait to see you next week.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Yikes! You guys are busy indeed. Poor Max and poor Fang! Hurray for Henry.