Henry enjoyed keeping the birthday girl company as she finished her margarita and blew out her candles.
Next on the birthday bandwagon was Great Grandma Sophie who turned an impressive ninety years old! We celebrated with a small family fiesta at Don Cuco's in Valencia.
Henry made sure to wear the right shirt for the occaision.
The final birthday was Grandma Rhona's. It was a rare treat to actually be with her on her birthday. We drove out to Santa Monica and met up with the Fingerhuts for a lovely dinner. I always find it interesting to be in LA. In my ten-year-old jeans and old raincoat from Scotland, I definitely did NOT fit within the typical fashion profile of the natives. People in Santa Monica tend to be thin and beautiful and fashionable and busty and blond. Oh well. At least I had the cutest kids in town! And no matter what one might think of the people in LA or the overall "mojo" of the city, there's no denying that the beach is gorgeous. Not just a little gorgeous either, but jaw-dropping, sunny, warm, palm-treed perfection.
And Grandma Rhona couldn't be happier than to have had the Gerber clan here in southern California this past weekend. Not only was Great Grandma Soph excited to see everyone but so was I. It has been a really long time since I was able to celebrate with family. Unfortunately Steph, Josh and Benjy were unable to fly here. Next time!
Thanks to everyone for a great celebration. I already miss you.
Good times all around! David and I had an absolutely great trip to the Bay Area. Thanks again to Max for the delicious cake. Happy birthday Rhona and Sophie!
Back at you Nicolle! You are over 30 now, it's all down hill.
I love seeing Max in his apron! :)
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