Thursday, April 16, 2009

Henry's 1-Year Appointment

Henry had his 1-year appointment today with Dr. Lee. Everything is looking good. His verbal and walking skills are "advanced" (which a mother always loves to hear!). He is in the 5oth percentile for height and weight. The poor guy was subjected to five different shots including the dreaded MMR and Chickenpox vaccines. No matter how many articles I have read discounting any link between the MMR vaccine and autism, it still scares me just a bit. At the very least, I know we can expect a fever and crankiness from Henry over the next few days. Poor little guy!


Stephanie Gerber Wilson said...

What an advanced little dude! Bet he'll be talking in full sentences in no time flat. Can't wait to see him this summer.

Rhona said...

So sorry Henry, your poor tush probably doesn't feel so good. Looking forward to my next visit.

Anonymous said...

What a smart, agile little guy! Hope he's feeling okay...