Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Word!

Well, it's official -- Henry has spoken his first word. Despite my blatant attempts at coaching and despite the fact that this has happened to me once before (Darn you, Max!), the first word is definitely, "Dada." He has been babbling all sorts of different consonant sounds for months now, but today was really the first day that we were certain that he said "Dada" with intention. I was giving the boys a bath and Scott walked into the room. Henry looked up at him with a huge smile breaking across his face and proudly proclaimed, "Dada." As further proof, I waited a few moments and then asked Henry, "Where's Dada?" Without a pause he looked right up at Scott. It was such a sweet moment I almost forgot to be jealous. ALMOST. Who is it that gave birth to that child? Who nurses him many times a day (and sometimes many times a night)? Who spends almost every waking moment with him???!!!! Sigh...We'll keep working on the "M" sound.

Not to be outdone, Max has also made leaps and bounds with language over the past weeks. He chatters nonstop now, giving me advice on driving ("That light is red, Mommy. Red means stop"); Offering thoughts on patriotism and the new administration (upon seeing an American flag -- "It's a Barack Obama flag!"); Keeping us all on the straight and narrow in terms of rules (upon taking my hand to cross the parking lot -- "Safety is our number one priority!"). That kid cracks me up many, many times a day. What a lucky mom I am to have two such sweet and articulate boys!


Anonymous said...

How exciting, Henry's first word!! I can't wait to see you all in three weeks and hear all the chatter for myself ;)

Rhona said...

In two more weeks he can learn to say Grandma-perfect!

The Sakai Family said...

I am right there with you. Sarah's first word was Dada. Her second was god and I came in third. I hear it is pretty typical( the dada, not the dog), but that does not really make me feel better.

The Sakai Family said...

that was supposed to be "dog". oops.

Hentino said...

Awww! So sweet. Jordan finally said "dada" with conviction the other day. He then said it to the dog.