Thursday, December 4, 2008

Quick Potty Story

Last night I had given both boys a bath and they were wriggling all over the bed as I attempted to get them dried off and diapered. At this rather inopportune moment, Max announced, "I need to poop on the potty." I tried to brush off this request (since when does he EVER use the potty?), but he repeated it several more times. Sighing, I gathered up naked Henry and escorted Max down the hall where I had to hold him on the toilet. To my total surprise, he proceeded to actually poop on the potty! He was sooooo proud of himself and of course I lavished tons of praise on him as well. As we walked back down the hallway to get dressed and ready for bed, Max turned to me and said, "Am I a grownup now?" It doesn't get much cuter than that.


Rhona said...

Oh Max-how grown up is that? Congrats from a proud Grandma Rhona.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Oh, what a cute story!! Congratulations, Max!

Susannah said...

Congratulations, Max!! Amelia has yet to poop on any potty, but she did pee on the potty at preschool today for the very first time. Hurray for small victories! :)