Friday, November 21, 2008


We bought Max a fancy new alarm clock that turns green in the morning when it is time to get up. I feel like I'm doing an infomercial here, but this clock is a godsend! For the past two mornings, Max stayed in his room without yelling and carrying on until the clock turned green at 5:45am. This may not sound like much to some, but it is close to an hour more sleep that Max's mommy has been getting that she was not getting before. We're going to start moving the clock back a few minutes at a time so that maybe Max and Mommy can sleep until 6am or, dare I even dream it, maybe 6:30! Here's the blessed clock if anyone wants to check it out:


Rhona said...


Nicolle Brooks said...

Yay! What a cool clock. I'm so happy it's helping.

Lindsay Margenau said...

What a great find! It probably wouldn't work for us though... Luke STILL can't tell red from green!! We have been doing something similar since he was 1 though - we've got a dim light on a timer in his room, that goes on at 6:45 weekdays, 7:15 weekends. Remarkably, he does wait to scream until that light goes on! Anything for an extra couple minutes sleep, right? I'm glad you guys found a solution!