Friday, November 7, 2008


I bathed both boys by myself the other night for the first time since we've been in California. Because Ron and Lynn don't have a bathtub, Henry's been using the baby tub and Max has been taking a shower with Scott. Well, Scott was working late and I couldn't handle both boys in the shower by myself. The solution was to cram them both in the tiny baby tub. Strangely, they loved it! Henry, of course, was simply thrilled to be close to Max. Max, however, really enjoyed splashing and soaking. It's been several weeks since he's been in a bathtub and apparently he misses it (though he does love that quality shower time with Daddy!).

Note: I plan to use both the photograph and video as blackmail material when the boys are older. Don't you think their future girlfriends will be amused?


Rhona said...

Way too cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow they're really packed in - two peas in a pod!