Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Little Houdini

Well, we knew this day would come. We were just hoping it would come a little later.

Max has learned how to climb out of his crib.

He has no doubt had the physical ability to do this for months without realizing that it was an option for him. The kid climbs all over everything at the park and is quite the daredevil on ladders of all sorts. I'm frankly surprised that it took him this long to pop himself over the side of the crib!

The impetus today was a bit of unfortunate planning on our part. We drove into the city to watch football with some friends at their house. The plan was to put both boys down for their naps as soon as we got there. Henry went right to sleep in his pack-and-play, but Max, who is obviously much more aware of his surroundings was excited to see all of the people and an unfamiliar house. A few seconds after I put him in his pack-and-play, he was at the foot of stairs looking for action. Over the course of the next hour, Scott and I put him back in the crib OVER FIFTY TIMES thinking we'd eventually wear him down. Well, I'm sure you can see where this is headed. Max got the last laugh. He eventually popped out of the crib, locked the door to the bedroom so we couldn't even get in, and then proceeded to spill a glass of water that he found on the bedside table all over himself and the floor. At this point he unlocked and opened the door and cried for a new shirt.

I gave up.

Max came downstairs, watched some football, threw toys around, ate too many cookies, and knocked most of the food off of the coffee table and onto the floor. He is a holy terror when he is tired and hasn't napped.

When we put him down to bed tonight, he exercised his new escapist skills on a full-size crib. Over the course of 15 minutes, he got out of bed 12 times and Scott silently put him back in and closed the door. Eventually he went to sleep.

I can't wait for nap time tomorrow.


Rhona said...

A rough day you had; so sorry to hear that. Good luck tomorrow. :):):) Max's Auntie Steph climbed out of her crib too. Not a fun experience for parents. My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, it's a whole new world! I think Max is ready for his new California big-boy bed. Hang in there, Sue...