Thursday, September 11, 2008

Attack of the Snot Monsters

Is there anything worse than sick kids? Not only is it incredibly painful as a mother to watch your children suffer with some nasty virus, but it is also so physically and emotionally difficult to care for them. Is that terrible to say? The truth is that some of my hardest moments as a parent have been when Max or I or Max and I were sick. Many will remember the great pneumonia episode of '07. Taking care of Max while I had pneumonia and a 103 degree fever was definitely a parenting low. Then there was the endless stomach bug Max had many months back -- diapers oozing everywhere, constantly changing outfits and sheets. Bleck!!!

The current viral onslaught in the G. household doesn't measure up to some of these earlier benchmark episodes, but it is trying nonetheless. Tuesday night Max woke up with a hacking cough at 3:30am and essentially didn't go back to sleep after that. Scott and I both sat in a steam-filled bathroom with him at 4am and I got up with him shortly thereafter to watch early morning cartoons (VERY early morning cartoons). Max spent all day yesterday lying on the couch and crying for me to wipe his nose -- "Max so stuffy, Mama, wipe Max's nose!". If Max would only learn to BLOW his nose, things might be somewhat improved, but for some reason he obstinately refuses to give this technique a try. In any case, he slept well last night and seems marginally better today. Of course Henry's nose is starting to run, so that should add some excitement to the mix.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my poor little nephews! Hang in there, Suestie.

Rhona said...

Here's hoping the Snot Monsters have abated!