Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy 6-Month Birthday, Henry!

Henry smiles and shows off those three teeth on the bottom

Henry turned six months old today and as a special present, he got to go to the pediatrician for a check-up and shots! The report was good. Henry chatted up a storm, sat on the exam table, displayed his three new teeth, stood up and grabbed the doctor's hair, and generally did all of his best tricks. His percentiles have gone down a bit, a very common occurence at this age when babies are more active but haven't really started eating solids yet. He was 16lbs, 6ounces (40% percentile) and 27 1/8 inches (75th percentile). Max, Henry, and Mama were all the lucky recipients of flu shots. Many loyal readers may recall the total debacle the last time I took both boys to the doctor. This visit was MUCH smoother. Max didn't even cry when he got his shot. He was too transfixed by the cartoon bandaid.

On a completely unrelated note, I'd like to share two cute stories from the past few days:

1.) Last night I made dinner for both boys. Tuna casserole for Max and banana for Henry. I put the boys at the table and left Max's dinner there while I went back in the kitchen for Henry's bowl. When I returned, I saw that Henry had leaned way over, grabbed Max's fork and lifted a bite of tuna casserole into his mouth. Granted, this is an impressive feat of physical coordination for a six-month-old, but I'm guessing that tuna casserole is not one of the approved "first foods" for a baby!

2.) Yesterday we took a trip to the zoo. Before we left the house, I was talking it up to Max and telling him that he could see any animal that he wanted. Then, I asked him what he would like to see most. His response, -- "A dragon." Yup. That one stumped me.


Rhona said...

Happy Birthday Henry! Two brilliant, gorgeous boys. What can I say? And how did you explain the fact that dragons aren't at the zoo? Hmmm. . .

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 month birthday, Henry! What a big boy he is! Mmmm, tuna casserole...

Stephanie Gerber Wilson said...

Happy birthday, Henry. Tuna casserole instead of bananas--smart kid...