Sunday, September 21, 2008

Henry's First Food

Henry had his first food today, just a few days shy of his six-month birthday. Although he was eager to grab the spoon and help it to his mouth (he wants EVERYTHING in his mouth these days), he didn't seem to be too thrilled with the taste of the rice cereal. In a few days we can try something more tasty like banana. It's hard to believe that Henry is old enough to eat solid food. My little baby is growing up!


Rhona said...

Hooray for Henry! What a big boy. We just can't keep that clock from moving too quickly.

Susannah said...

It looked to me like Henry really liked the rice cereal. Maybe it got old after a few bites though. I'm sure rice cereal isn't the tastiest, even if it's organic brown rice. Yay for banana next week! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like Henry liked his big boy food - those first few bites at least! I hope Max got "his turn". Love, Auntie Nicolle