Monday, May 24, 2010

New Bike

In one week Max has gone from a kid who rode a balance bike by pushing with his feet to a boy zipping around the neighborhood on a two-wheeler with no training wheels. And when I say "zipping," I mean REALLY ZIPPING -- riding off curbs, turning corners, racing his Dad. It's amazing to watch. He suddenly seems like such a big kid and I can see flashes of the daring, independent child he is becoming.

For a couple days we borrowed a bike from Max's friend, Mick, but then we were fortunate enough to come across a real find at the local elementary school's annual flea market fundraiser--a cute little red Trek bike. We paid $15 for the bike only to discover when we "googled" the bike later on that new ones cost anywhere from $170-$300. Score!

Pretty soon Max will be too tall for this bike, but it is perfect for him right now, and I think his little brother is not far behind him in terms of bicycle readiness.

Let the good times roll!


Rhona said...

This is so impressive. (okay, so I'm not very creative-see previous comment on vegies) I can hardly wait to see all of you this weekend. Way to go Max! You have gotten so big, so fast.

Rhona said...

Max, I can't stop looking at these pictures. You look so happy and that makes me happy.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Hurray! What a great bike. Gosh, I think Auntie Nicolle was about 7 before she could ride a bike without training wheels!