Thursday, May 6, 2010

Another Trip to the Zoo

I know, I know. You're probably thinking to yourself -- "Jeez! These folks are ALWAYS at the the zoo"-- and you would be more right than you know. After all, my children often behave like they belong in the zoo, and my house certainly looks like a zoo, but beyond these more esoteric connections, it is also true that we find ourselves at the actual zoo quite a bit.

I mean, what's not to like? We have a membership, so admission is "free." There are goats to brush, monkeys and tigers to ogle, rocks to climb, rides to, well, ride, and great picnic spots. I also feel like it is a totally new trip every time we bring along new friends. Today we were lucky enough to be accompanied by the lovely Jillian and Addy (and their mom, of course!). I think that Max and Henry are a little bit in love with these two, and who could blame them? Check out the photos...


Rhona said...

Hello from Boston.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Why not, it's a great zoo you have! Max and Henry have girlfriends!