Monday, August 31, 2009

Here Comes Trouble...

This week, Henry did the following:

1.) Dunked his toothbrush in the toilet then popped it in his mouth before I could get to him (envision a cinematic, slow-motion scene with me screaming "NOOOOOOO!!!" and stretching out my hand...)

2.) Pulled a chair from the kitchen table over to the counter where he began eating Splenda straight out of the sugar bowl with a spoon.

3.) Emptied ALL of the kleenexes out of two separate boxes -- one in the living room and one in my bedroom. It was like a fresh coat of snow all over the house. How lovely.

It's a good thing he's so cute...


Rhona said...

Oh but what a cutie. Did he have any help from his older brother?

Danielle said...

Nope. These activities were all Henry!

Nicolle Brooks said...

He's like a little blonde Dennis the Menace! But what a cutie...

Dianne said...

As a first grade teacher, I am impressed with Henry's math and science skills. With the kleenex, he was seeing which box had more tissues, and how many more. With the Splenda, he was doing a scientific taste test comparing it with real sugar. With the toothbrush, he was saving water by using perfectly good water right there at his height. He gets all A's - what a smart boy!