The more morally upright among you will be appalled to hear that I found myself uttering phrases like, "You can have your hot dog when Daddy finishes placing his bet," but it really didn't feel like a sleazy and morally bankrupt afternoon. Really. Trust me.
We all found something different to love. Max was obsessed with the horse poop and the people who scurried out on the track to scoop it up. Henry enjoyed climbing the fence and clapping for any horse he saw -- even the decrepit-looking "helper horses" who escorted the race horses out to the gates. Scott enjoyed placing bets -- especially when he made back everything he lost in the first three races (plus two dollars extra!) when #8 ran to victory in the last race. Go #8!!!! I enjoyed eating hot dogs. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I consumed two of them and man were they tasty!
All in all it was an unexpectedly enjoyable family afternoon.
What a fun afternoon! Horses and horse poop. Cool.
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable family afternoon to me!
Sounds really fun! And I am recently discovering the processed meat deliciousness of hot dogs, too. I guess having kids does it to you! :)
I can't believe you used to be such a strict vegetarian in college and now you are pounding hot dogs.
Was Stewball there? Did you break into song? What a fun thing to do - I guess I'm not one of your more moral readers.
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