Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year Thanksgiving week was a non-stop party. We're talking one birthday (Scott), two baby showers (Nicolle), two Thanksgivings, and hundreds of miles of driving up and down the state. We gorged ourselves at restaurants (thumbs up for Hernandez's Hideaway, thumbs down for Mimi's Cafe), and had a great time hanging out as a family. Nicolle and David were over from England, and it is hard to believe that the next time I see them, they'll have a baby girl!

Max and Henry did a great job with all of the events and location changes. They were their typical entertaining selves. Max's best comment of the week was when he saw a large cross outside of a church and exclaimed, "Wow! Look at that glowing sword!". Henry, whose vocabulary is exploding, fell off of a chair and announced, "I fell down and hurt my schnoz!" I guess this goes to show that they're both growing into good Jewish boys!

We're all a bit tired from the constant revelry, but true party animals never sleep. Hanukkah starts tomorrow. We're breaking out the dreidels and menorahs around here, so keep your eyes peeled for updates and photos coming soon.

Thanks for the cute outfits, Mona Mona!

Kicking back before Thanksgiving feast #1 in Valencia

Great Grandma Sophie

A Bun in the Oven

Family Baby Shower at Cousin Kelly's House

3 1/2 LaLone Ladies!


Rhona said...

What a fun week-this always makes me smile. And who took that great picture of the 3 1/2 Lalone girls? Hmmm? :):):)

Dianne said...

Great picture, Rhona, of the 3 1/2 girls!! We were so busy all week, and I loved every event . I can't wait to see mostly everyone again in a few weeks for Christmas.

Nicolle Brooks said...

What a great week we had!