Halloween is VERY big in Alameda. We're talking a week's worth of community festivities as a lead-in and then bus loads of kids trucked in from Oakland and elsewhere for the actual trick-or-treating (This is not an exaggeration. There were THOUSANDS of kids thronging the East End where we live). My mom was able to come up for the whole week this year since she is a recent retiree. A great time was had by all, and once again, we ended up with no surplus candy because the boys love handing it out even more than bringing it in. YES!

Henry "I'm a hungry shark not a nice shark" Gerber

The parade at Henry's Play Place class

The whole Play Place crew

Max's preschool class performed some Halloween songs and poems

Carving our pumpkin at the Goddard's Halloween party

A pumpkin with his pumpkin

Max and Mick up to no good

No bones (or trucks) were broken in the taking of this picture

Too much sugar?

Trick-or-Treating with the neighbors

Spiderman Max and his sidekick Henry the Shark

Papa Ron meets a fellow Trojan

A giant spider rigged on a pulley system

The boys and their grandparents (we missed you, Mona Mona!)
Thank you-I wish I had been there too. Maybe next year. It all looks like so much fun.
Wow, Halloween in Alameda looks amazing!!
Looks like you had an amazing time! The boys are soooooo big.
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