Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wilson-Fest 2010

The Wilsons were in town last week, and we had a great time hanging out with the family! The week was JAM PACKED with outings and get togethers. We're talking barbecues, Oakland Zoo, Roberts Park, Alameda Beach, Bay Area Discovery Museum, and more. The boys had tons of fun playing with cousin Benjy who is just three months older than Henry. They taught him how to get in trouble by jumping on the ottoman or launching off of the plastic slide, and he taught them to say "No Thank You" when someone does something annoying or untoward. Hmmm...who got the short end of that stick? Sorry, Steph and Josh. I hope you'll still come visit us again sometime even if our children are a bad influence!


Rhona said...

And a good time was had by all!

Nicolle Brooks said...

What a cute bunch of cousins - I love the shot of Henry hugging Benjy. Reminds me of good times with the LaLone cousins.

Dianne said...

How fun for such cutie boys to have cousin time together - and grandparent time, too!!