Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Max's First Trip to the Dentist

Max visited the dentist for the first time today. We are fortunate to have a wonderful pediatric dental office here in our home town. They had toys to play with, kid-friendly equipment, and dentists and hygienists trained to work with kids. The whole experience went very smoothly. Max was a real trooper -- holding still for x-rays, and allowing a cleaning and fluoride treatment with nary a peep. His teeth looked clean and healthy, though the crowding and the overbite suggested that we have orthodontics in our future. Oh goody! Another expense to look forward to...

Special kids' waiting area

The dentist checking Max's teeth (and shielding his eyes from the bright light)

Is this a dental office or a tanning salon??!!

All clean!


Rhona said...

How proud I am of you Max. You are a real trooper.

Nicolle Brooks said...

Hurray for Max! What nice, shiny teeth.

May he find a future orthodonist as great as Dr. Bartroff ;)

Courtney R said...

Yay for Max! So glad to hear that it went well. Calder's first appt. is coming up in about a month! I'm terrified!

Dianne said...

Now Max can say, "Look, Ma, no cavaties!" Good job Max and Mom.