Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Fights and Festivals

Kids + Pumpkins = Adorable Photographs.

Scott and I got into a fight about this very equation over the weekend when we visited Perry's Farm Pumpkin Patch and Ardenwood's Harvest Festival. Scott's "cheesy and inauthentic" is my "cuteness nirvana." You can be the judge as you peruse the following photographs chronicling pumpkin selection, train ride, and picking of corn.

A good time was had by all (at least once Scott and I got past our acrimony. It wouldn't be a marriage if we didn't fight about stupid issues, now would it?!).


Lindsay Margenau said...

I agree with you Danielle! There is something about all the bright colors of the Fall veggies and fruits and trees to make the pics of the kids look incredible. Good for you guys for going out regardless!

Rhona said...

Cuteness is the key. Those two get cuter every day. I love the pic of Max carrying the pumpkin that is bigger than he is and the one of him lugging the bag of corn. Henry's smile is to die for. How can anyone be so blessed to have the three cutest grandsons in creation.

Dianne said...

What a CUTE family - those kids have good genes!! I love that hay photo - it's Fall and pumpkins and harvests just go with it.