Sunday, February 15, 2009

Words, Words, Words

Henry has had a language explosion over the past few weeks. He's 10 1/2 months old, and it is fascinating to me how many more words the kid has than his brother did at the same age. Maybe it actually is related to having an older brother around who talks ALL OF THE TIME. Henry definitely exists in a "language rich environment." In any case, to date Henry can say the following:

Uh oh
No, No, No
Dat? (ubiquitous word for any unknown object always accompanied by finger pointing)

Not to be outdone, Max has also thrown out a few good ones of his own this past week. Yesterday he was sitting on my lap on the couch and Scott did a body slam down on top of the two of us. "Too much Gerber family!" Max yelled.

He also has a newfound fascination with an imaginary family of foxes. Out of nowhere he'll say things like, "Mommy, you need to be quiet, the foxes are sleeping." or "I better finish this cheese stick or the foxes will eat it." What the heck? Where did this come from? Who are these foxes and why is Max always talking about them? Should I be saving up for the psychiatric bills? It's pretty amusing, actually, and Max seems to know that he's being funny. I love to watch his developing sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Max and Henry! What a family of linguists. I'm not surprised about the imaginary foxes at all, given the imaginary space creature Fuzzy Wug that his mommy made up as a child...

Rhona said...

What a wonderful weekend I had with the Gerbers. Yes, in fact, Max is a handful at this point. He has lots of energy and loves to harass the cat (poor catty) and Henry just a little. Henry is becoming a person and has a great smile. Two cuties to be sure.

Kathy said...

My friend's daughter had an obsession with an imaginary family of raccoons.Maybe making up covens of animals is just a normal kid right of passage.