On the flip side of things, we've encountered a few significant hurdles with Henry. The bottom line is that he has suddenly quit nursing and won't drink any liquids from a cup. Up until last Tuesday, Henry was a champion nurser and he never missed a feeding. He nursed at 6am and 10am on Tuesday as he normally would, and then wouldn't nurse again. No amount of begging, bribing or crazy antics suggested by the lactation consultants would convince him to change his mind. I wouldn't be upset about weaning Henry at this point if we had a different set of circumstances. He is, after all, almost 11 months, the same age Max was when he was weaned. It's very strange for a baby to just abruptly wean himself at this age, however, and it is certainly not ideal since he won't drink other liquids from a cup. I've tried formula, milk, water, and juice and a variety of different sippy cups. I can get a little juice down him, but that's it. I was so worried that he was going to end up dangerously dehydrated that I took him to the pediatrician on Thursday. She said he looked great and was no doubt getting a lot of liquids from his food. Her perspective was just to continue offering him cups and eventually, when he got thirsty enough, he would drink. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will turn out to be the case. He's a stubborn little guy. I can't imagine where he got that...
From an emotional perspective, I feel a little sad about the fact that my "baby" is now weaned, almost walking, and soon to turn one year old. Don't get me wrong, I'll be happy to have my body back to myself (assuming I don't end up with mastitis from the abrupt cessation of breastfeeding, but that's another story), but I will also miss the special, snuggly time with Henry that nursing has allowed. I'm sad that I didn't know that our last time nursing on Tuesday morning was really our LAST time nursing! Maybe it's time for another baby. Ha, ha! Just kidding Mom and Rhona! Don't get too excited. I think I have my hands full at the moment with these two jokers.
Oh boy, maybe it's time to buy a Grandma Rhona water bottle. Henry seemed to like that. I sure loved my visit and can't wait to come back. Good luck with the liquids and the potty training...
Poor Henry. I think the little guys is asserting his independence! Hope he'll be drinking normally soon. Glad you guys had a great week otherwise. Miss you.
Hey Danielle,
You and Max look fantastic...and Henry is so BIG now! It's crazy how much he has changed in so little time. Maybe the little guy has an ear infection? Carly always took a little nursing vacation when her ears hurt her. We miss you guys!!
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