Monday, January 12, 2009

Potty Training Update

Potty training is not going well. There are times when Max will pee or poop on the potty, and he is excited and proud of himself. The problem, however, is that he shows no ability whatsoever to anticipate when he needs to go. He seems perfectly content to pee or poop in his training pants unless I can get him on the potty in time. Then there's the lovely incident we had moments ago. Max is supposed to be napping right now and I've already had to go in there several times since he's been crashing around, playing with Purell (ack!) and generally just not going to sleep. A few minutes ago he opened his door and yelled, "Mommy, I pooped on the floor!" Yup. That's what he did. He had removed his jeans and diaper and pooped on the floor. I could look at this optimistically and say, "Gee, isn't this great?! Max could tell that he needed to go and so he removed his pants and diaper first as though to use the potty." Or, I could look at things realistically and say, "Gee, Max has discovered a new way to assert power over me. If he poops on the floor and yells about it from his room, I am sure to come up there to relieve the tedium of his non-napping naptime."

Bottom line -- potty training is not going well. Should I give up for a few months and wait for him to mature? Power through and hope that things improve? I don't know...


Rhona said...

Power on. I think he's using it as a control issue. He knows it upsets you but he can get your attention quickly. I believe he knows it's wrong. Keep your chin up, this too shall pass; so to speak. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Sue. That sounds really tough. I wish I was more of a child development expert to advise you! But I am confident that Max will eventually catch on and his ability to "predict" will make it all the way to the potty. Hang in there - I think it's a funny control phase...

Susannah said...

I love that our most recent posts have the same title. Aaah -- aren't you excited to do this again with another child in a couple of years?? Maybe I should start Elimination Communication now and get them potty-trained together! :)