Monday, January 19, 2009

New Adventures in Potty Training

One problem with potty training a toddler is that when they tell you they have to go, they REALLY have to go. You can't, for example, explain that we just got on the freeway in San Francisco and can you please hold it for 30 minutes until we're home in Alameda. As such, we can now add public urination to Max's rap sheet. We had to pull off of 101 North and let Max pee through a barbed wire fence into a vacant lot in the middle of San Francisco. Now I will grant you, Max is certainly not the first person to pee on the streets of San Francisco, but I hope that he doesn't take from this experience the lesson that it is ok to drop your pants wherever you are and let loose. Thankfully, he managed not to poop until we got home. Good times, people, good times.


Rhona said...

It's only just begun. At least he's not a girl where you have to find a potty around every corner. Yes, Steph had to check out every potty in every place we ever visited!

It sounds like things are improving, however. . .

Anonymous said...

What a bum!