Well, it's done. My last baby is off at school. (Insert hysterical sobbing here)
Yesiree...it's been an emotional morning in the Gerber residence -- for mom but not for boys.
Young Henry set off on the first stage of his academic journey and started at preschool. He has been eagerly awaiting this day for weeks (years?). All weekend long he kept reminding me, "Mom! I start preschool on Monday!" Yeah kid, I know. Thanks for reminding me.
This morning he was up early and was dressed and wearing his shark backpack a full 1/2 hour before we had to leave for MAX'S dropoff! We took Max to kindergarten, scooted home and got in the car to drive to preschool. "Mom! This is the way to Max's old school!" Henry exclaimed.
"No, Henry," I responded, "This is the way to YOUR school."
"That's right!" he said, "I'm in preschool now!"
Needless to say, the dropoff went smoothly. There were a few hysterical three-year-olds around, but Henry walked right into his class and wouldn't even let me help him hang up his backpack. "I can do it myself!" he said. He then proceeded over to the rug and sat right down in that "criss-cross-applesauce" position that he's been practicing all summer. He looked like a pro. I snapped one quick shot from the door (see below) and then I walked away. And teared up. And got in my car. And teared up a little more.
It's been one hit after another this year -- first kindergarten for Max and now preschool for Henry. That's how parenting goes. It's our job to let them go, but sometimes it hurts like a "MOTHER".
Lucky for me, I didn't have to suffer alone. My friend Emily was also dropping off her baby at school this morning. We went to breakfast together and commiserated. That's right -- a breakfast WITHOUT any little people! Emily still grabbed a stack of napkins large enough to swab off an army of sticky, snotty, spilling toddlers, but we figure that rehabilitation is going to take some time. With luck, we can someday feel like women again and not just moms. But then again, I have a feeling that the "mom" part never really leaves you even when the kids do...

Proud Henry ready for school

Check out the cool shark backpack! (thanks, Dodie)

So excited!

Checking out the equipment before class
