About a month back Henry started climbing out of his crib with greater and greater frequency. Scott and I were afraid that he would climb out some night when he was half asleep and hurt himself, so we took the big leap of buying him a big-boy bed. This was a fraught experience on many levels for me. There was the whole "My baby is growing up and we have to put away the crib" angle and there was the "Oh my God, putting Max in a bed was a nightmare for a good six to nine months how can we be doing this again?" angle. And yet, it had to be done.
Henry LOVES his bed (see photos below) and the transition hasn't been as tough as it was with Max. In part, I attribute this to Scott's excellent sleep-training suggestion. With Max, we would stand outside of the bedroom door and when he got out of bed and opened the door, we would put him back in bed and put him back and put him back and put him back and put him back....
You get the idea.
For Max it became a fun game that could last for hours until I was screaming and raging mad and exhausted. Not a good sleep-training state of mind.
This time, Scott suggested (a la Super Nanny) that we should stand next to the bed and slowly back out of the room over time. This way, if Henry sits up, he's sees one of us standing there and so he doesn't actually get out of the bed and the whole process is much faster and more efficient. This technique seems to be working great and many times we don't even need to do it because Henry falls right to sleep. He's a different kid than his brother (surprise, surprise, right?!) -- a little less stubborn, a little more tractable, and he has Max as a role model right there in his own room. "Max isn't getting out of his bed, maybe I shouldn't either."
The bottom line is that the bed thing is working out great. Unfortunately, however, the health situation around here hasn't been as great.
Shortly after we bought the bed, Henry developed a high fever. He also had a little cough and a little runny nose, but his worst symptom was a fever that would not quit. It was frequently as high at 104.9 and it lasted for SIX DAYS -- long enough for me to start freaking out and imagining crazy things such as, "Henry must have picked up a roundworm parasite from the raccoons that frequent our backyard." Three trips to the pediatrician, one trip to urgent care, and one trip to the hospital for chest x-rays suggested that Henry had pneumonia. He went through two courses of antibiotics, neither of which did any good, and then finally the fever broke on its own. Thank God! There is absolutely nothing worse than a sick child.
Max and I ended up with nasty colds ourselves, but luckily no more crazy fevers. Everyone around here is on the mend, and I have never been so grateful for good health.
Congratulations Hen on your big boy bed! I'm so glad you're all finally on the mend.
I am grateful for Henry, and visa versa. He does such a good job in his big boy bed.
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