Fun at Super Franks with Hunter and Miles:
Trip to the S.F. Zoo with Anj, Kairav, Kimiko and Luke:

One quick story about the zoo -- while we were busy in the petting zoo brushing the goats and raking the dirt, a bunch of ravenous squirrels broke into the stroller, UNZIPPED the lunch sack, and ate our PB & J and turkey sandwiches. Wow! Who knew that squirrels were even capable of this sort of sneaky behavior! Lucky for us, the snack bar was open and selling burritos. Maybe the zoo employees have trained the park's squirrels to go after lunches so that the snack shack can bring in more revenue. Just a thought.
One quick story about the zoo -- while we were busy in the petting zoo brushing the goats and raking the dirt, a bunch of ravenous squirrels broke into the stroller, UNZIPPED the lunch sack, and ate our PB & J and turkey sandwiches. Wow! Who knew that squirrels were even capable of this sort of sneaky behavior! Lucky for us, the snack bar was open and selling burritos. Maybe the zoo employees have trained the park's squirrels to go after lunches so that the snack shack can bring in more revenue. Just a thought.
What fun you guys have. I miss you all so much! Can't believe the crazy squirrels.
It's a conspiracy. Let's see; was Gerbelator there? Hmmm, burrito's! So the conspiracy includes the squirrels, the snack shack, Max and Henry and perhaps their father. The squirrels knew what good sandwiches you make so I understand their desire to steal them. It looks like you had great fun anyway.
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